Chimpanzee conservation in Kom-Wum Forest Reserve with WWf-EFN

CIRMAD and the Fundong Council organised a stakeholder workshop in Fundong on Wednesday 20th April 2016, for the creation of a “Kom-Wum Forest Reserve Protection Committee”. It is a platform for the participation of all stakeholders in the chimpanzee conservation projects of CIRMAD and Fundong Council, which is the delegated management body over the Kom-Wum Forest Reserve – important habitat of the endangered Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee. The projects engage the communities to (1) enlist and train community ecoguards, to support and improve law enforcement in KWFR, (2) create and sustain chimp conservation awareness in communities and schools. The two projects are supported by WWF-Education Fund for Nature (EFN) and the Chester Zoo respectively. We are so thankful to both organisations, for supporting us to implement key recommendations of The Regional Action Plan for the Conservation of the Nigeria-Cameroon Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes ellioti).
The conservation partnership is based on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the NGO and the local government agency.

Liyong Emmanuel Sama

KWFR meeting - Welcome & Introduction

Fundong Mayor officiating at KWFR meeting KWFR sh meeting - with funding partner, WWF KWFR sh meeting - Group picture KWFR sh meeting - active community participation KWFR sh meeting - MINFOF playing active role KWFR sh meeting in session KWFR sh meeting - community voices KWFR sh meeting - chimp conservation doctrine