Promotion of Culture

Project rationale:

In my native Balikumbat village, skills in traditional craft-making and traditional livelihood skills have been disappearing, and rendering their products very scarce and dearer; with a consequent waning of local interest in them, in preference for factory made substitutes, which are generally dearer and non-biodegradable.

Project goal:

To inculcate in the people the development and sustainable use of the natural resources required for the crafts and other livelihood skills, thereby protecting the environment and indigenous biodiversity.

Project achievements with TPP support:

  • Trained youths on some traditional handicrafts and livelihood skills,
  • Built a showroom cum training centre for traditional handicrafts at the Nyamgin Market Square, Balikumbat (Long. 682742; Lat. 651783),
  • Created the Nsup Sustainable Development Common Initiative (NSUPSUSDEV-CIG), for entrepreneurial development, cultural promotion and environmental protection.